Monday, 23 May 2011

Windermere Marathon - Brief Report

Oops!  I probably ran that one a little fast.  My goal was something between 3:30 - 3:45.  However, I finished the Windermere marathon in 3 hours 18 minutes.  It was the toughest marathon of the year so far, but my 2nd fastest this year.

It poured down with rain just before the start of the marathon, making me wish I'd packed my light weight waterproof running jacket.  We've had so little rain in Cambridge over the last two months that I think I actually started to believe that it didn't rain that much in Britain.  Of course, the Lake District is almost like a completely different country to East Anglia.  Fortunately, the rain stopped 20 mins before the race started and then stayed dry until a short time after I finished, despite the ever present grey clouds.

Anyway, it's a beautiful marathon.  There are several tough hills, including a mean little hill up to the finish line, but it was all worth it for the views.  As with other scenic, hilly marathons I've run, the camaraderie amongst other runners was fantastic.  It was a bloody long drive to get here on Friday, followed by a long drive home straight after the marathon, which hasn't been good for my legs.  Thankfully, Ruth did all the driving on the way home, but sitting in a car for so long wasn't the best thing to do immediately after a marathon.  My legs complained all night, meaning I didn't get a great night's sleep, and going up and down stairs is proving difficult.  But that's all part of the fun of marathon running!

5 down, 7 to go. Almost half way.

A longer report will be posted later this week.

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