There's just three days remaining until marathon number five of the year. Time to start feeding up on pasta. This has to be the most rewarding part of marathon training; being able to eat almost whatever you like in the last 3 days before the event. You'll note I say almost. I'll steer clear of rich food and will avoid cream. I still want my food to have some nutritional value. I also won't be having any alcohol for a while.
Ruth and I will be setting off at lunchtime tomorrow for the long drive up to the Lake District. We'll be spending the weekend camped on the shore of Lake Windermere at the Low Wray camp site. The decision to camp was partly made to help keep the cost down, but I also really enjoy camping and have never had a problem sleeping in a tent. Last year I spent a night on top of Snowdon in a howling gale sleeping in just a bivvy bag. I was the only one in the group of five who managed to get a good night's sleep. If you're wondering what we were doing sleeping on the top of Snowdon, we were attempting the Welsh 3000s, a walk over the top of all North Wale's mountains higher than 3000 feet in just one day. Unfortunately, the bad weather thwarted our attempt.
So, I'm looking forward to both the camping trip and running the Windermere marathon. It's been a marathon I've wanted to run for a few years, but I've always thought it came a bit to soon after London. That's not an issue this year. This will be the first truly scenic marathon of the year. I have no plans to run it at speed. I want to make sure I take in the views as I run, and I might even stop to take a few pictures. That's assuming the weather is good. People keep asking me what the weather forecast is like, as if I've been checking every 5 minutes. I only looked for the first time just a few minutes ago, and at the moment rain is forecast for the entire weekend. I never put too much faith in long term weather forecasts, but I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the weather man has got it wrong.
Bye for now. I'm looking forward to writing up my race report in a few days time.
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