Thursday, 24 November 2011

Kettlebell Challenge for Children in Need

Of course, the running continues.  In fact, only this morning did I complete an interval training session consisting of eight sets of two minute pieces.  I haven't put myself through a hard interval training session for some time, as I've never felt that I'd recovered enough since the previous marathon to run hard.  However, this morning I was feeling up to the task and curious to see the effects of running 14 marathons in 11 months.  I wasn't quite as quick as at the start of the year, but not a million miles away.

What I really want to report on today is the Cambridge Kettlebell Challenge.  One of my clients had the idea of holding a mass kettlebell class to raise money for Children in Need.  I developed the idea and mentioned it to other clients, who were mostly really keen to be involved.  The aim was to run a class on Saturday 19 November from 10am to 5pm.  24 people got involved, most people did 5 minutes at a time of kettlebells and 5 minutes either instructing or shaking the donation bucket.  No one stayed the whole 7 hours, but most people did a one and a half hour stint and worked in relay throughout the day.  One person (John) did about four hours in total - big up to him.
Kettlebell Challenge - I'm the one with the bucket.
I mostly kept an eye on everyone from a distance whilst shaking a bucket.  I also spent most of the day shouting "spare any change for Children in Need", and "help us complete our 7 hour kettlebell challenge.  Give it a go if you think it looks easy".  By the end of the 7 hours we had two very heavy buckets, and I was a little hoarse.  My expectation was that we might collect between £300 and £400, but on the day we managed to raise £980.  We've also collected £1,382 via a JustGiving page (, which, with Gift Aid, has brought the total raised to £2,665.  Pretty amazing, heh?

It was very gratifying to turn something I do to make a living into a charitable event and a cause for good.  Everyone who came along also really enjoyed themselves.  So who says exercise can't be fun?  Of course, they might not have enjoyed it as much if it had been pouring with rain.  Fortunately, we had fantastic weather.

I'm now off to do some kettlebelling myself.  My next big run will be this coming Sunday, when I intend to do an 18 mile training run around Cambridge.  I should be joined by quite a few friends, at least for the last 13 miles.  Should be fun.

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