Marathon number six takes place in 3 days time, which means carbo loading time again. Unfortunately, I had a minor mishap yesterday, which means I'll be running with a few scrapes and bruises, but more of that later.
First of all, the weekend went to plan. Saturday morning I went for a 5 mile run in a new pair of running shoes that I'd bought the previous day. I managed to run the middle mile at a fast 5 minutes 40 seconds pace, which I was quite happy with. I then did a mini 15 minute kettlebell workout before meeting with friends at the Cambridge Strawberry Fair in the afternoon. The fair had become quite a raucous affair in previous years, with people travelling from far and wide for the free one day music festival. Lots of my friends had stopped going as the level of drunken behaviour, violence and arrests increased. It was scrapped last year on the recommendation of the police, but this year it was back with heightened security. Ruth and I popped along with a couple of friends to see if anything had changed. The major difference was only having two entry points with random bag searches, but the fair itself did also feel more relaxed. Some effort has been made to change the emphasis of the fair, and as a result it is no longer just about music. The dance tent has been scrapped, as it seems that that was held responsible for previous troubles, and instead there was a large open green with Medieval combat re-enactments taking place. We only went along for the afternoon, so I can't comment on what happens after nightfall.
On Sunday I went for an 11 mile run with Jamsheed, Andrea G and Paul. We just headed up the River Cam to Waterbeach and back, and had a very pleasant social run together. The weather continued to be warm and dry. Cambridge did eventually have a good, long downpour of rain on Sunday evening and Monday morning. Fortunately, it stopped in time for me to teach my outdoor kettlebell class Monday lunchtime, and there has been very little sign of rain since, despite the forecast earlier in the week saying we'd have a good three days of rain.
The mishap that I mentioned above occurred yesterday morning. I left home to go for an 8 mile run and I'd only gone a few hundred yards from my front door when I suddenly found myself sprawled on my back. I really have no idea how it happened, one minute I was running, then I remember looking over my shoulder to check for traffic as I crossed a very quite side road, the next second I was falling to the ground. I managed to get both hands out to break my fall and then I rolled onto my right elbow and hip, and then onto my back. I have a grazed back and hip to show for it, which are more painful than I'd have thought possible. After about 9 years of running this is the only time I can remember randomly falling over. A few years back I remember being tripped when my foot disappeared down a hidden rabbit hole. But yesterday I couldn't see anything on the pavement that I might have tripped over. The footpath itself was in good condition. I'll have to just put it down to being one of those things and hope it isn't a sign of old age. Maybe fate decided I needed something to spice up my blog.
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